Intro to Snowshoeing at Sylvan Solace Preserve

Sylvan Solace Preserve 4561 W. Pickard Rd, Mt. Pleasant, MI, United States

Thanks to the recent storms, we finally have enough snow on the ground to snowshoe! Join us on Sunday January 20th at 1:00 PM as we explore Sylvan Solace Preserve...

February Friendraiser @ Shepherd Bar and Restaurant

Shepherd Bar and Restaurant 324 West Wright Avenue, Shepherd, MI, United States

Join Chippewa Watershed Conservancy (CWC) staff, board members and volunteers for an evening of Mexican cuisine and conversation at our upcoming February Friendraiser. Learn about CWC's conservation efforts throughout Central Michigan, public recreational opportunities, and various ways to get involved. 


Coffee & Conservation @ Ballyhoo Books & Brew

Ballyhoo Books & Brew 111 W. Superior Street, Alma, MI, United States

Stop by Ballyhoo Books & Brew on Saturday, March 15th from 1:00-2:30 pm. Bring your conservation questions and join the Chippewa Watershed Conservancy for a conversation about nature preserves, conservation...